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Results of [Keyword Search:Faculty of Liberal Arts]
1 - 20 out of 45 results

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Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Lecturer YANAGAWA Yousuke
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor HIGASHI Satomi
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor KONDOH Hisahiro
Executive Staff Executive Director・Vice President,Director of Education and Student Services Bureau,Professor NONAKA Susumu
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor SUGIURA Susumu
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor MATSUMIYA Yuko
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor SONU Mee
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor KIENER Johannes
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor MIURA Atsushi culturral anthropology,development studies
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor ZARA-PAPP Zilia
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor SATO Masahiro
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor SAMRETH Sovannroeun Development Economics,International Economics
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor ARAI Takako
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor INOKUCHI Kinya
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor KOBAYASHI Ako
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor,Director MATUBARA Ryosuke
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor TAKAHATA Yusuke
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor ICHIKAWA Yasuo
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor LIU Zhiwei 日本語学習経験者から見た文法シラバス・語彙シラバス,母語の違いに応じた日本語教育,ニアネイティブレベル,テニヲハ論,視覚的語順,言語学習史(LLH)
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor TSUJI Eriko

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